Friday, October 28, 2011

Mad Scientist Halloween Cookies & A FREE Printable for Cookie Tags

I've been wanting to make Scientist cookies for a very long time and they are just perfect for a Mad Scientist theme for Halloween! I bought a great set of Science cookie cutters from and some fun Science clipart from MareeTrueLove and this is what I came up with:
I found this scientist on the cover of a coloring book at Target and that's when the science cookie obsession started. I knew I had to make him into a cookie!
Then I also made these science lab flasks. The cookie cutter comes like the one on the right, but I decided to make a bunch of them with a bit of an explosion and I used a small fluted circle to add extra dough to the top of the flask for a puff of smoke on top of the flask.
Then I did the same thing with the Science test tubes by adding a bit of dough on top for a puff of smoke exploding out of the test tube.
Then I also made some Science beakers
and I was excited for this fun idea of having a jar of eyeballs
and another size jar of eyeballs too
and some more science items like a radioactive sign
 and an Atom
 and biohazard too
 and this sign of Toxic Caution. How weird is it to write that on a cookie?!
To go along with these science cookies and for those of you making science cookies, I made...
a free printable for you to use for your own cookie tags! Just click on the picture below to download your own copy.
I have a few more Halloween cookies that I made this week. Pictures coming soon. Happy Halloween!


  1. I love the exploding beakers! Great detail Cristin!!!!

  2. Hubby wants to bring them to work! :-)

  3. These are wonderfully creative Halloween cookies and your Mad Scientist is just awesome!


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