Saturday, February 18, 2012

My New Cookie Cutter

So I gave you a hint yesterday of what my new cookie cutter is.... this variety doesn't actually swing from trees or eat bananas, but he gets lots of hugs and the girls love him. What is my new cookie cutter?

My friend, Melissa at Simply Sweets by Honeybee got it right. My new cookie cutter is a SOCK MONKEY! I have the head sock monkey that Callye from SugarBelle's beautifully designed for and I LOVE it, so then I was hooked and I wanted more. For Christmas I got a bunch of new awesome cookie cutters from my family and the day after Christmas, I bought myself the full-body sock monkey from! I've been so excited to try it out.

 Full body sock monkeys - cutter from
 Head of sock monkey - cutter from

Pretty fun huh. I used the wet on wet technique to make the "stitching" of his body and face. After I filled with brown, I drew lines of white icing and then ran a toothpick downward through them.

Tomorrow - CASTLE theme cookies.

Thank you to everyone that has donated to the LiveStrong Challenge for those battling Cancer. I have $135 raised so far toward my goal of $250. On June 24th I will ride my bicycle 100 miles in Davis at the LiveStrong Challenge to raise awareness and fundraising in memory of my father and others that have lost their battle with Cancer. I've done this every year since my father was diagnosed with Cancer in 2007 and 7 1/2 months later lost his battle against this terrible disease. If you'd like to participate in the challenge or make a donation, please click on the picture below of me and my buddy Lance Armstrong :-)
My daughter and I completing the LiveStrong Challenge together last year
I absolutely adore that kid and cry every time I see this picture. She is beyond AMAZING!

I miss you every single day Dad


  1. Thank you for the mention Cristin. :-) I love your sock monkeys! The face cutter is on my wish list. I didn't know about the full body one. That's going on my wish list too.

    100 mile bike ride--wow! You are an inspiration. Good luck in June. I made a donation in honor of my dad who has prostate cancer.

  2. @SimplySweetsbyHoneybee{Melissa} I'm so sorry to hear that your dad is battling Cancer. Together, we WILL make a difference in this fight. Thank you for your support Melissa.

  3. I LOVE sock monkey!! My sock monkey is sitting on my bed beside me right now!! :) LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your cookies!!!

  4. Your sock monkeys are darling. I made them for son-in-law for Christmas but had to "build" the head from other cutters....someday maybe I'll have a neat cookie cutter collection like you do! Blessings, Donna B.

  5. I love the sock monkey cookies, something I haven't tried yet. Yours turned out really great.
    I don't know how you manage to fit in training for your 100 mile cancer ride but you do and I think it is truly admirable. Best wishes for a very safe and successful ride this June Cristin.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! I love hearing from you! Cristin