Monday, April 16, 2012

There's No Place Like Home and a {COOKIE GIVE-AWAY}!

Lets do a COOKIE GIVE-AWAY! More info on this post after some cookie pictures... I made Wizard cookies for a friend of a friend. Her school was putting on a play. She asked if I would make her some dresses, witch shoes with added stocking, witch hats, princesses, Sparkly shoes in silver, and scarecrows. To get the full effect, I added in the specialty girl, the rainbows, the lion, the tin man, the oil can, the yellow brick road, the dogs and the ruby red shoes.
I started by purchasing a Wizard clipart set from JW Illustrations. I used that as my inspiration for my designs.
I made a bunch of dresses. I think they came out pretty cute. 
 Then I thought that we must have rainbows - remember that song - Somewhere Over The Rainbow...
 Then I made sparkly ruby red shoes. 
For the play, the shoes are sparkly silver instead of red. 
 and some Witch shoes that I added on extra dough to make fun striped stockings.
 and some Witch hats. By now I wish I had thought of making some witches too.
 and then I made some princesses and dressed them up a little like a good witch
and some scarecrows that need a brain 
 and some lions that need courage
 and a tinman that needs a heart
 and I also made the little dog too
 and then added in the yellow brick road to follow
In all, I made quite a few Wizard cookies.
So I wanted to do a COOKIE GIVE-AWAY when my blog had 100,000 visitors. On Thursday we hit 100,000, but that also happened to be the 4-year anniversary of my dad's death and I just wasn't much in the mood for a give-away. Instead I wrote about my dad and gaining perspective and received so many nice comments on my blog, FB and email and I was so touched by all of your kindness. Then we went out of town which I'll tell you about soon in cookies. So now that we have over 103,000 visits, it's finally time to do a COOKIE GIVE-AWAY!

The prize will be one dozen of Cristin's Cookies to one reader. My design, my timeline (in the next couple weeks). Open to U.S. residents only. Winner will be chosen via on Friday, April 20th at midnight. 12 Large Decorated Sugar Cookies with Glaze Icing.

I've thought a lot about how I want to host this give-away. I've opened up so much to all of you in the last year and 3 months during this cookie adventure, so NOW IT'S YOUR TURN. Tell me something, anything about yourself. And here's the really fun part. You can enter as many times as you want!!! The more entries telling me something about YOU, the more chances of winning. Show me that you want my cookies!

Enter one factoid about yourself per entry. There are lots of ways to leave a comment on my blog. If you use the "anonymous" option to comment, make SURE to leave an email address so I have a way of contacting you if you win. Here is my for instance on how to play along with factoids about yourself:

*Raising my children to be independent, competent, loving, kind, giving people is the most important thing I will ever do. EVER.
*I have a Frankenstein scar across my neck, my hand, my shoulder, and my elbow.
*There are never enough hours in the day to do all the things I love to do.
*Having supportive, loving girlfriends in my life is one of the most important things.
*The longest I've ridden my pretty pink bicycle is 26 hours (400 miles).
*I watched my father die and I miss him more than words can say.
*When I exercise, I am happy and have energy to spare.
*I earned a Black Belt in Kenpo Karate.
*I have PINK hair.
*My daughter is pregnant with my first grandchild and her middle name is Cristin.
*My son made his final decision on the college he will attend this fall.

Get it? Want my cookies? Then tell me about you! One factoid per entry. Go...

Blog Background for Wizard of Oz cookies:


  1. I am a full time Housewife Mother. I have 2 chosen children and being their Mother is THE most important thing in my whole life.
    I make fleece blankets. I give most of them away...but I do sell them. Everyone Needs a Blanket to Call Their Own.
    I have 2 rescued Weimaraners. Randy and Ruby.
    I love to bake...but have not done any fancy decorating of them.
    I make lovely pies. From scratch.
    I believe in Random Acts of Kindness.
    I just adore 'old ladies.' I hope to be one someday.
    I would totally enjoy some of your beautiful cookies.
    Thank you, Cristin, for sharing your joy with us. Yvette

  2. Ok so something about me ...i shared something personal the other day on ur blog about my mom dying of cancer something else I have 3 daughters ..10 (soon to b 11 in may) the middle one is 8 & my baby is almost 7 ....they love ur cookies to !


    Yep...I am a suck up...I am hoping flatery will get me cookies

    The Cookie Puzzle

  4. My son has Autism...and I would not change him for any amount of money in the world!

    The Cookie Puzzle

  5. I just started my own blog two months ago.

  6. When I was little I wanted to be like my dad. So, one morning when I was 4, I pulled out the shaving cream, and his razor and started to shave...wait for chin...But I had no hair so I ended up cutting myself. I still have the knotted scar on my chin today! Congrats on hitting 100k. That is amazing!

  7. I just started my Facebook business page thanks to the encouragement by several of the people/pages I like on FB.

  8. My sister and I were born exactly a year apart!

  9. I am married and we have been together14 years...he is my rock and my guinea pig .....he eats everything I bake .....but I eat the cookies !!!another thing about me ...i discovered my love for cookies only 3 months ago ...its on my brain 24/7 ! I love cookies....oh and we actually have 3 guinea pigs cookie ,benny,and snowball and a dog named zeus and tons of fishies :-)

  10. I had no money to start my cooking/baking business but won several contests and things which helped me have the equipment to slowly build my business one day at a time.

  11. I started decorating cookies January of this year (I still can't pipe a straight line) steve(dot)stephens55(at)yahoo(dot)com

  12. I have been married for 20 years, 21 this upcoming May 18! My husband is my biggest fan, my best friend and my love! :)

  13. I LOVE COOKIES! And baking ... but I do cakes, mostly. My recent experiment was a chocolate chip cookie flavored cake! I filled and iced it with chocolate ganache! mmmmm!

  14. My daughter and I are both deaf now, but are thankful everyday that we can hear because we have cochlear implants. If anyone has questions about them, be sure to ask. Before I started my dessert business I ran a community website all about hearing loss for 10 years and have spoken around the U.S. about cochlear implants, hearing loss and raising a child with hearing loss. :) I never win contests but I enter anyway because you have to be "in it to win it!" LOL Your cookies are so gorgeous!

  15. I have three children - ages 19 (my only daughter), 16 and 5. Yep, you read that correctly! LOL

  16. Im a pet lover I have a chihuahua and two stray rescue dogs one I rescue the other my husband. We dont have kids yet. But with all this dogs we are full right now. I handmade dog collar and love love blogging. Plus your blog is my favorite. My favorite color is Black the second is white and the third is pink.

  17. I'm in Canada so not entering the giveaway. Just wanted to say how great your Wizard of Oz cookies turned out.

  18. These cookies are GORGEOUS Cristin... I LOVE the Wizzard of Oz !

  19. I make hair bows; actually started doing that over 8 years ago and just found cookie making in the 6 months.

  20. After trying for 4 years I finally got pregnant with my first child on 08. I always wanted 2 girls 2to years apart. Although when the timkng was right for it we werent ready but it happened anyway! My girls are 2 years & 2 months apart. I love baking anything and everything. Im trying to jump start a busines with very little finances & support but im hanging in there. I have 3 cats, a chinchilla & a corn snake. I love being a mother more than anything in the world. Me & my fiance have been together 11 yrs in may, engaged 4 years..(very long engagement lol)

  21. I am a proud mom of 4 and wife of a Marine. I dream about baking, it might be because I tend to sleep with my cupcake books.

  22. Everything I see I picture it as a cookie :)

  23. I have 4y/o boy/girl twins and a fiesty red headed 1y/o so.

  24. Made my first decorated cookie December 2011.

  25. I want to be as good as Cristin one day. I want to blog.

  26. First of all I love the cookies!

    Ok factoid #1) I love the Wizard of Oz. It is one of my favorite movies of all time. I'm not sure if it's because of this movie but I have a fear of tornadoes. I've never seen one & I hope to never see one. I dream quite often about tornadoes. Some are so scary that I wake up gasping for air.

  27. I enjoy baking cookies. I make cupcakes and cakes and I crochet and knit. I work Fulltime, have 3 kids under 5, awonderful husband and I still find time to bake and decorate.

  28. Factoid #2) I have suffered from panic attacks since I was young. I go for long periods of time without getting them & I'm fine. Then one day out of the blue they'll start back up again. I've learned techniques to calm myself down & get through them.

  29. Factoid #3) I almost drowned when I was young & I have a fear of water. Naturally I don't like swimming or going on boats. Also, I have a fear of flying. If I can get somewhere driving then that's how I get there even if it takes days.

    Ok I'll spare you more factoids because by now you're probably thinking I'm a total head case. Lol!

  30. I love love cookies my favorites are dolls, and baby showers. I dont have kids but they look so cute.

  31. When I was 10 yrs old I decided that I wanted to be a baker when I grew up. 30 years later, I'm finally doing it.

  32. I am a stay-at-home mom turned stay-at-home cookier to 2 little cookie monsters, ages 2 and 3.

  33. One day, on a whim, (and I don't do ANYTHING on a whim) I bought a ticket to Mexico...all by myself! BEST VACATION EVER!

  34. I finally took a leap of faith and started a blog last month.

  35. My husband and I love theatre .... and so does our oldest son. Between the three of us, our family is involved in a production pretty much all of the time! My son just finished a production of "Kiss Me Kate" at school and is in rehearsals for the spring show. I am in rehearsals for a 4-woman play called, "MOMologues" and am also preparing to assistant direct an upcoming youth show in the summer. At a different theatre, my husband is preparing to direct a youth show, also for the summer. :)

  36. I am in school working toward becoming a registered nurse.

  37. I am the proud mommy of an almost 3.5 year old little man and a sweet baby girl who just turned 18 months. They are simultaneously the most awe-inspiring and frustrating people I have ever known. I would not trade them for anything in the world. They are the absolute loves and lights of my life and I will mama-bear anyone who hurts them!

  38. I dream of one day being able to make cookies half as beautiful as yours. :)

  39. Julie ( I live in Coronado Ca where the Wizard of Oz was written and lightly based off of the city. (OZ

  40. Martesha
    I am a baby baker compared to you!

  41. I have 3 children 18, 17 and 5....the five year old is trying to drive me insane!!

    1. Oh, can I ever relate! My kids are 19, 16 and 5! And yes, my five year old things it's his job to drive me insane! LOL

  42. I am in love with cream cheese icing and would love to taste your cookies

  43. hi..found out about u from aymee wacky cookies...i have six boys(my husband did something girls!!!!lol)your cookies look great!!!!

  44. Decor a cookie its a hard job. But eat a cookie its my job.

  45. I am addicted to baking blogs and food blogs, in general. Ree Drummond is my cooking idol, second only to Julia Child, lol. Oh, and Christy Jordan is up there, too! Last night I made Ree's Chicken Parmigiana and you would have thought I hung the moon with my "men." :D

  46. I used to write self-paced textbooks for a university dental school. :-)

  47. I have a series of moles on my left arm that looks like a baseball infield. Minus a pitcher.

  48. I was born in a town and hospital that no longer exist.

  49. I wear glasses because I got hit during a hockey game when I was seven. I have scarring on my eye due to the hit. It looks kind of cool when you get to look at images from the inside though.

  50. I am going to be an aunt for the first time in October. Fingers crossed it's a girl!

  51. I probably know more than one person needs to know about Catherine the Great.

  52. This summer my goal is to learn how to play banjo, get myself to yoga more often than I currently do, and eat one new food item out of my comfort zone or on my foods to eat before i die list at least once a month.

  53. I am a 40 year old mom obsessed with the Twilight movies and books...more so than any teenager you'll ever find! ;)

  54. I am a CDA Xs 2...Child Development Associate and Certified Dental Assistant.

  55. Besides working 55+ hours a week running a childcare/preschool business, a part-time baking business, and raising a family...I'm also going back to school to become a medical transcriptionist.

  56. I homeschool my children and love it but, sometimes get REALLY frustrated with trying to keep them motivated.

  57. I have a wonderful Golden Retriever (redhead) that I rescued two years ago, and ironically one of her previous owners was my ex boyfriend. That is unusual enough, but although she has never been trained she is a Service Dog and saved my life multiple times~

  58. I have always loved making things with chocolate but, I'm starting to like making cookies more.

  59. I am renovating a house and the property is nearly 100 years old and we found cool antique cobalt glass when we were working in the yard and back acres. The property next door used to belong to the same man and 10,000 in old money was found in a coffee can in the yard!

  60. My husband and I just celebrated being together for 13yrs. and we have been married for 9yrs. I love celebrating our "being together" anniversary more because I feel like you can't ignore all those beginning years.

  61. I am a 1st Degree Black Belt in Sanchin-Ryu. I should be farther but, I haven't worked out since having children. My husbands father created the style, I think that is really cool. :)

  62. I only started liking spicy food, salsa, hot sauce and Mexican food after my appendix ruptured!

  63. I have 3 children, Abigail (6), Benjamin (5), and Christian (3). They are such a blessing and I would love to have one more. Maybe a girl.

  64. My Great Grandparents were married at least 75 years and lived to be 102 and 104. I just found a newspaper clipping celebrating their anniversary. I sure miss them!

  65. I can't stand how addicted to Facebook I am but, I just can't seem to stop.

  66. ok so another thing about me ...i used to do nail art ...i used to love it ...i think i had every color nail polish / glitter /brush /paint decals etc ..designed fake nails in my basement even had my own little desk set up ...boy did my daughters and their friends love me family ladies of course every fri. would come and get their nails done always had to pull out the brushes and paint flowers free hand with my paints ...for all the ladies out there ...acrylic paint is the best to paint over nail polish and if u mess up ...just use rubbing alcohol to take it off and start over ..just thought id share that ....but i still do my 3 daughters nails ...but cookies and cakes have become my passion !!!

  67. I have four children and nine grandchildren. And they live All Over the Nation! (Oldest son lives local - whew!)

  68. Beautiful cookies Cristin!

    I have 2 daughters, ages 25 and 12. I had my 12 year old when I was 42. That makes me......

  69. I also have a 6 year old grandson with autism.

  70. I started with my sugar craze in 2003 when my daughter wanted a Sponge Bob cake. I know a lot about decorating with sugar because I'm obsessed- but I haven't really practiced much so I'm getting better.

  71. I adore gardening but don't have my own yard right now. Ok, that's enough from me! :)

  72. I'm a SAHM of 3 boys...I started Door County Custom Cakes and Cookies when my youngest was about 3 months old. I love to decorate both cakes and cookies equally. I am running my first Half Marathon on May 5th and I am doing my first Half Ironman in July.

    I love everything you make Cristin.

  73. Ever since I fell in love with cookie decorating...I have put on some pounds...I can't seem to stop eating my cookies :)

  74. I keep 'meaning' to decorate cookies....but they get eaten before I can get it together to decorate them.

  75. I am leaving for Kentucky Thursday with four of my online friends to go to the Cookie Spring Fling in Louisville. First time going and I can't wait. Actually first time going anywhere without a family member in a very long long time.

  76. Four years ago started my cookie obsession while actually taking a Wilton Cake Decorating Class.

  77. Grandmother of 8 beautiful grandchildren 5 boys and 3 girls.

  78. I have your blog on my google home page for easy access every morning to start my day. Your lovely cookies and sparkling personality make my day!!

  79. I am a grandmother who is a game player junkie LOL. I do not go anywhere without my Kindle Fire, I pod, or DSI in tow.

  80. I went back to school and just got my Associate's Degree in November...may years after the fist time I went to college! lol

  81. I am a single mom with a 10 year old son named Connor...the light of my life! I also have a 1 year old Yorkie named Bella!

  82. I grew up in Texas, but now live in western NY.

  83. I just had one of my wisdom teeth extracted this morning! Hopefully the first and last time I'll have to go through that, although I slept through it!

  84. I started my home baking business a few months ago as a way to be creative and try to make some money since I am unemployed. I am so happy to have gotten to know so many wonderful bakers/cookiers through FB! Everyone has been so welcoming and encouraging! Congrats to you Cristin on over 100,000 views!!!

  85. I am Merrilee Frazier and I love your cookie designs!!! I grew up in Huntington Beach, CA. Now I live in a rural area of Iowa. I am just learning cake decorating. My mom did it when I was in grade school, My 2 sisters are decorating cakes, my 2 nieces are decorating cakes, so I'm a late bloomer.ha ha ha If I win could I have you ship the cookies to my Mom? She is still in CA.

  86. My oldest son is turning 14 next month and I still haven't come to terms with him being a teenager yet.
    Sylvia Velasquez /

  87. I have super thick hair...after years of messing with it...I cut it all I keep it super short and I LOVE IT!

  88. I am 48 years old and got my first tattoo when I was 46. I now have an entire sleeve and, crazy as it seems, I love it. My biggest tattoo is actually of Yoda, from Star Wars. lol I've enjoyed looking at your cookies for a few months now. Love the inspiration. :)

  89. My daughter is going to a roboprom next week - Kate S.

  90. My teenage daughter is going to Japan next month. - Kate S.

  91. I started baking cookies in Junior High. Kate S.

  92. I had to make some Micky Mouse cookies last week and went to your site for inspiration...clawd1a1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  93. Ahhhhh Kristin, you're always so original. A fact about myself is that I also lost my father a few years ago and when I read your message about your Dad I got very emotional. I know how you feel!

  94. I went back to college on my 30s and when I graduated decided to get a tatoo. I believe in angels so I got one tattooed on my back...forward 2 years and got another angel this time near my heart :) ---Angels are around us...always :)

  95. I lost my dad to cancer 16 mos ago. I miss him a bunch! Thanks for sharing your story!

  96. I am a mother to six (21,21,20,18,7,3), grandmother to 1(17mos) and have another grandbaby on the way in October. Family is everything to us!

  97. I am training for a half marathon and love that you bike with your sister!

  98. I am a newbie to cookie decorating and thanks for sharing your knowledge! Congrats on your 100K views! God Bless!

  99. My husband's birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks...I don't decorate cookies so, it would be really cool to win so I can surprise him. clawd1a1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  100. I am in school full time at age 54, taking Basic Foods, Baking, Sales and Marketing and Math. I love it. My instructor is one of the most knowledgeable people on this planet when it comes to food. That man knows how to cook and I've learned so much from him.

  101. My 5 year old son has never had a haircut and is growing his hair out for Locks of Love.
    Sylvia Velasquez /

  102. My very favorite part of the day is when the whole house is still asleep and I get quiet time to look over the new posts on my cookie page! Julie (Sugar)


    I have three children....eerr...ahem I mean young adults that Im super duper proud of! But they'll all be "Forever Young" in my heart!

    Congrats on your anniversary and visitors to your awesome blog!

    Im on my way to check out JW Illistrations!


  104. One of my oldest and dearest friends just started working at the same comany I work. We've been friends since the 5th grade!

  105. I am a COMPLETE nerd. I get super excited over odd cookie cutters... my friend found me Doctor Who cutter... you'd think I won the lottery I was so excited!

  106. I live in South Louisiana and the humidity here makes getting Royal Icing to dry REALLY tough.

  107. I enjoyed sitting in my swing the other evening watching the wind blow ripples thru our wheat field. Beautiful!


  108. My husband told me the other day (jokingly) he's tired of hearing about cookies... I didn't talk to him for the rest of the day.

  109. Let's see...I'm a 2nd generation Californian.

  110. sorta cookie related...last march i had a seizure..on break in my work parking lot...scary ...i beleive i was out for 12 min ..yep...i had a angel with me that day ..she woke me up im thankful for everday every min. can u beleive i lost my job over this to i think that was the best thing they could of done ...i now devote myself to my family and my love for cookies and baking..i have truly found my passion .my daughter whos almost 11 said the othe day " mom if u win her cookies ..r u going to eat them ...their so pretty" !!!

  111. Mmmmm, I miss my far away munchkins more than I can say! :(

  112. I was in the Air Force.

  113. I have been deployed to Romania.

  114. I work at my children's school.

  115. I was deployed to Kuwait twice.

  116. I love color! Red, all sorts of red, is my favorite color. Followed by cream. But then, I love everything in between! I love white on white, and tone on tone. I love beautiful electric spring colors and deep dark midnight blues. I think my favorite blue is wedgwood blue - and I absolutely have a 'thing' for white/blue cookie decorating. (Although my home decor tends more towards greens and reds and creams.) Maybe it would be easier to say if there's a color I don't like? Seafoam green comes to mind. And gray...don't like gray either (silver is okay - I love sparkle.) Okay, 'nuff said. ;-)

  117. I am in the PTA.

  118. I wanted to be a vet, but I guess I am since I was in the Air Force. lol I'm a dork.

  119. My oldest child was born April 22 and my youngest was born April 23.

  120. I would love to have my own baking business.

  121. I have blue hair.

  122. I have 2 adopted children...from 2 marriages....for 2 different infertility reasons...who are a boy and a girl....born 10 years and 11 days 2 different states...

  123. I have 2 adopted Weimaraners from a Weimaraner Rescue group.

  124. I do the color Purple, Lavender, Lilac...or any variation of Purple...I do not like to say "hate"...but whatever would equal that is how I feel about Purple....

  125. My daughter and I were in the same Jobs Daughter Bethel. Not at the same time!! hehe

  126. I love listening to my 4 year old read to his papa.

  127. These Wizard of Oz cookies are amazing! Love them!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! I love hearing from you! Cristin