Saturday, July 30, 2011

Beach Cookies for a Potluck

I ordered a new cookie cutter and when it arrived the other day, I couldn't for the life of me figure out what it was! I actually had to go look up my order to figure it out :-) What do you think it is?
Looks a little like a baby rattle and from some of my Facebook friends, it looks like something obscene...! Maybe this will help to see the cookie itself.
Still don't know huh. Well how about seeing it outlined and ready to decorate? Are you getting it yet?
After outlining, the first step was to fill in the flesh tone. If you haven't figured it out yet, it is the back of a gal at the beach.
After filling the flesh tone for skin, I filled the bathing suit and hat and waited a bit for those to dry and then added dots for details on the swimsuit to match the accent ribbon on the hat. 
If you notice on the 2 pictures above, I made a mistake and made the hat rim go through the accent ribbon of the hat. Since it was a small area, I used tweezers to lift off (scrape off) the black outline from that part and fill in the accent ribbon. No one's perfect right! ;-)

I thought these were just adorable. My son has a potluck at work on Sunday and he asked me to make cookies for the event (he is a lifeguard). He will be getting an award for being a good worker, so how could I say no? I made the dough and rolled it yesterday and today I decorated 37 cookies - almost all day today. Lots of colors and 11 different styles. Are you excited to see what comes next???

I'm off for a bike ride tomorrow and then to a birthday party, so you'll have to wait to see more cookies ;-) Have a WONDERFUL weekend!


  1. I wouldn't have guessed that in a million years. SO cute. :)

  2. Cristin - those are just too adorable for words! I had no clue what the cutter was until I saw your outline and beautifully finished cookies. How fun! I bet your son was the most popular lifeguard at the party! Super job! Enjoy your bike ride!

  3. Love those! So cute. Sorry, I thought it was something obscene, but now it's just so....innocent.

  4. @Kara Thanks so much Kara! Leaving now for my bike ride and it's gorgeous out! Should be a really nice day. I hope you have a great day too!

  5. Absolutely adorable...and a complete mystery cutter shape until you explained it! Love 'em--a beach version of the garden lady!

  6. @The Pastry Tart A garden lady hmmm my mind is swirling. I bet that is cool! I hadn't thought of that...

  7. Congrats to your son for getting the good worker award and kudos to you for making the most adorable cookies...with 11 different colours no less. You are awesome!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! I love hearing from you! Cristin