Thursday, April 5, 2012

Bowling Cookies

I have some very exciting cookies to show you coming soon, but I'm going to be nice and wait for my friend to receive them first before I show all of you ;-) In the meantime, I still have lots of cookies to show you that I made recently and just haven't had a chance to post yet. Oh and I ordered a bunch of cookie cutters to announce my son's college choice and today the last of them came in so I have some baking to do...! I'm so excited!

So today I have some bowling cookies. These were nice and easy. It's nice to do easy cookies now and then isn't it!
I got the bowling pin cookie cutter from and decided to make it in lots of fun colors.
 I also decided to make this bowling guy because, you know, I can't have it be too simple ;-)
 And then I decided to make some bowling shirts just to accessorize a bit

I went bowling with my dad after he was diagnosed with Cancer. We had such a wonderful time together. Bowling is a really fun way to be together and create memories.
 My niece, Nicole, with her grandpa at the bowling alley.

Lots more cookies to come. Gosh I still have so many to show you! We're at 95,651 visits to my site so far. At 100,000 visits it will be time to do a cookie give-away!

and my Bowling background for today:


  1. Oh Cristin...I love them I need a bowling pin cookie cuttere...My niece bowls every Saturday, and her birthday is in June....I am sure she would love these. Once again, you amaze me

  2. Your little bowler is my favorite:)

  3. I love all the coordinated colors! Great job!

  4. These are adorable! I have been craving your cookies...BUT I am dieting again, LOL, and this time it's important, so no cheating!!! ♥

    1. You'll be my inspiration Callye (as usual)! I have got to lose some lbs too!

  5. Great pics of you, your niece and your Dad. Love the little bowling dude! Have a wonderful Easter Cristin. Looking forward to your next cookie news once your friend receives them.

    1. Happy Easter Paula! I love seeing your comments! You're such a sweetie!

  6. The bowling cookies are soooooo cute!!! Did you use a T-shirt cutter for the bowling shirts and cut the V neck? Your niece looks like your "Mini Me." LOL!!!!

    1. Hi Karen, My shirt/jersey cutter does have a small bit of a v-neck, but I also used skin color icing to create the look of a lower v-neck for the bowling shirt. I love hearing that my niece looks like me. I adore that kid! Thanks Karen!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! I love hearing from you! Cristin