My little grandson turned 2 a couple weeks ago. He is starting to say more words, but he was really silent for a very long time. With Abigail as his big sister, he really didn't have much need to talk! One thing that he has said from very early was "BALL". He is such a ball guy. So when my daughter set out to plan Aidan's 2nd birthday party, a sports ball party was the obvious choice. Well, at least it was obvious until a couple weeks before the party and he said choo-choo constantly! But the party supplies were already purchased at that point, so the ball party was a go. I had a circle for the basketball, baseball and soccer ball, but that was about it. I attempted to keep it simple by just having two cookie cutters for each of the four sports being represented. See below for what I came up with...
Sports Cookie Cutters Available HERE
Download Tutorial Cards HERE
Free Printable Cookie Tags HERE
Would you believe that I didn't have a football cookie cutter? I thought everyone had a football cookie cutter. Well, I didn't. So I made one. My favorite is the football guy in helmet. I named him Fuller the Football guy and I made a new football helmet design too. I'm feeling very ready for the Super Bowl now ;) The brown of my icing on the footballs got blotchy with butter bleed. I think because we had a storm coming so humidity was high. I'm pretending that they are just sweaty looking from the athletes ;)
This is Fuller the Football guy. I was especially happy with how he turned out. You can get the cookie cutter HERE. Don't forget to download the tutorial cards at the top of this blog post.
and I made a new football helmet design. You can get the cookie cutter HERE
and since it turned out that I didn't have a football cookie cutter, I made one. It is a nice size for a good size cookie. You can get the cookie cutter HERE
See the butter bleed on the brown football and the grey helmet face mask? We don't have humidity in California, we are in a drought after all, but we had a lot of humidity before a storm and I ended up with butter bleed on these football cookies. Since it was out of my control, I decided it's a natural sweaty look for the athletes ;) Yep, that's it.
All the cookie decorators hate to make soccer cookies, but I actually really enjoyed these. I loved the new net that I designed and using my Pico projector (or Kopykake projector) made these really easy to do.
I love this new soccer net cookie cutter. You can get one HERE
This was so much easier than I imagined it to be. Those that use royal icing, will have no problems. I use glaze and there's no way those lines would hold up with my glaze icing, so I used buttercream icing to make the tiny lines of the soccer net. It turned out to be quite simple.
To make the "grass", I used this ChocoMaker candy shred while the icing was still wet.
and onto Basketball cookies
I made this fun new basketball hoop cookie cutter and it made such fun and nice sized cookies. Everyone loved them. You can get the cookie cutter HERE
I started with the black basketball outline and let that fully dry before adding in the red outline details.
After the cookie was fully flooded, I let it dry several hours (or overnight) before I added in the white net details using buttercream icing.
and lastly Baseball. I had so many ideas of baseball cookies, but like I said, I was trying to keep it simple since I was working on 4 different sports at once. I knew that I had to include the baseball itself, so I decided on a baseball boy to go with the ball.
This is Wayne the Winter Child cookie cutter and I changed him into Wayne the Baseball boy. Cookie cutter available HERE
and then I bagged up the cookies for the party
and I made my grandson a sports shirt as a gift.
Seriously though, could he be any cuter?! Happy 2nd birthday Aidan!
and I made myself a girly football shirt to wear to the party
and when I got home, I cleaned it all up. Don't you just hate that part? For me, the worst part of the big cookie projects, is not the clean-up, it's making all the cookie dough! What is your least favorite part?
Happy 2nd birthday to our little ball boy, Aidan!
Sports blog background for today:
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